Friday, August 1, 2014

American Girl Estate Sale Finds!

Let's face it...American Girl stuff is expensive! So we try to find ways around the prices. Some ways are eBay, or the American Girl Benefit sale. But not all of those are reasonable. The benefit sale is in Wisconsin and not every body can go there but on eBay the prices are too high! I don't usually look on craigslist for AG stuff. So what do I do? I go to estate sales! I have been to three estate sales in search of AG stuff so far. A couple of them I had good luck but one was a total bust. But that's just what happens with estate sales. 

So on to the estate sales. The first one I went to had the most stuff. I got Molly, a bunch of Molly outfits (Molly's Afterschool outfit, Miss Victory, Plaid Jumper, etc.) I also got a bunch of Samantha outfits but no Samantha doll (Play Outfit, Meet Outfit, Holiday, etc.). A few Kirsten items were also bought. Such as her nightgown. Pictures below!
 First Aid Kit and Kirsten's Carpet Bag!!

 Snowshoes and Play Dress!

 Kirsten's Winter Skirt Set and Sam's Music Box

 Sam's B-Day Dress and Molly Modeling her School Jumper!

 Sam's Table and Molly's Nightstand Set

 Sam's Victorian Valise and her School Supplies

 Molly and Kirsten's Table

 Molly Furniture!

 Felicity's Work Dress and Molly's After School Outfit

 Molly Stuff

 Samantha Meet + Accessories
 Molly's B-Day Stuff+American Girl of Today Stuff

 Molly's Christmas Stuff
Second Estate Sale!!
This estate sale was not one of the good ones. the only thing I got was Samantha's Doll Clara.
Here she is! So pretty!
Well anyways you are probably asking: "Kate, why was it a total bust?" Well it wasn't very good because I could have gotten a Samantha doll! Now you're going: "But you have one already..." well, we're getting to that. The reason it was bad was because the Samantha doll I could have gotten was stolen by an old man. Yep. That's right an old man. Grrr. Well that's over so...
Third Estate Sale!!!!
Yay! This one was one of the good ones. Ok, so, I got Samantha and Kirsten here! Yay! 
Samantha Parkington in my video! 
So I got Samantha and Kirsten for $30 each and then I got Samantha's Trunk for $60 and A bunch of outfits for like $10 each. Yay! That's about it that I got at estate sales up to this day, but I will keep updating you on everything! Stay tuned and stay awesome! -Kate


  1. Wow lots of good deals! Actually, recently there has been lots of great deals on eBay!

  2. I definitely will check more yard sales! I can't believe you found ALL THAT!

    1. I would totally check more yard sales! Sometimes people just don't know how awesome their things are and they price them very low! Good luck!
